What is Python?

It is an interpreter-style programming language published in 1991. Similar to English, it has become a mainstream programming language since the mid-2010s, thanks to its unique grammar that is easy to read and write, and numerous packages made by developers around the world.

Python overview.

It is a recommended language for beginners when learning programming for the first time because grammar is very easy and simple to write. Python’s nickname is “Executable pseudo-code.” In fact, Python is often used as an introductory computer programming class at American College of Technology. It is a good language for learning and a powerful language with high actual use rate and productivity.

The founder is Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer. On Christmas Day in 1989, the lab was closed, so it is a programming language created while bored. I’m not kidding, but Van Ro Island is even compared to Adam Smith in Europe, and in the Netherlands, it is treated as a synonym for engineers. An economist in the programming field… As you can see from the preface of Python and an interview with Microsoft, it was made out of boredom, but it is true. Most capable engineers make masterpieces when they are bored or by mistake. And the name Python is said to be derived from the British six-member comedy group Monty Python, which Gwido enjoyed watching.

In real life, it can be used in languages that shorten working hours, such as Excel automation, file processing automation, web crawling automation, and 3D modeling automation. Of course, there are endless other things that can be automated or created.

Python 2.0 came out in 2000, and Python 3.0 came out in 2008. Previously, a new version came out every 18 months, but from the 3.9 version in 2020, a new version comes out every 12 months. Every 0.1 version has an improvement that increases the computational efficiency by about twice in loops such as for statements, so it is recommended to update steadily even if it is annoying. The 2.X version and 3.X version have very different grammar. As a result, in 2008, when the version went over to 3.0, a community split phenomenon occurred in which Python users around the world were divided into two. By the late 2010s, abundant machine learning libraries were created and were in the spotlight as a language for the development of artificial intelligence such as machine learning and deep learning. It also has excellent performance such as Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, CNTK, Apache Spark MLlib, and PyTorch, and widely used machine learning and deep learning libraries can be accessed with Python.

It should be noted that it is true that the latest version speeds up, but when developing Python projects, they usually write a version one step below the latest version. This is because it is rare for all the packages you need to support the latest version of Python. It usually takes months for the package ecosystem to follow Python’s changes. Therefore, rather than using only the latest version unconditionally, it is important to check the Python support status of the packages you will use and select the Python version.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is writing an official document called Python Improvement Proposal (PEP). Number as shown in PEP 8 and PEP 20 according to the order of writing. This is written for the consistency of the Python code and the unification of the direction of development, and this PEP is positioned as a Bible or Code in the Python community. Providing such a clear coding guide is clearly distinguished from other languages.

Python philosophy.

Beautiful is better than ugly. (Beautiful is better than ugly.)
Being explicit is better than being implicit. (Explicit is better than implicit.)
Being concise is better than being complex. (Simple is better than complex.)
Complex is better than complex. (Complex is better than complicated.)
Horizontal is better than implied. (Flat is better than nested.)
Being relaxed is better than being dense. (Sparse is better than dense.)
Readability is important. (Readability counts.)
Special cases are not special enough to break the rules. (Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.)
However, practicality overcomes purity. (Although practicality beats purity.)
Errors never pass quietly. (Errors should never pass silently.)
Unless you intend to explicitly hide the error. (Unless explicitly sealed)
When dealing with ambiguity, reject the temptation to guess it. (In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.)
There is always one clear, and preferably the only way. (There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.)
Even if the method doesn’t seem clear at first (Althougth that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch)
It’s better to take action now than not at all. (Now is better than never.)
Although it is often better not to do it at all than to do it right now. (Although never is often better than right now.)
If it is not easy to explain the implementation results, it is a bad idea. (If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.)
If it is easy to explain the implementation results, it may be a good idea. (If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.)
Using a namespace is a great idea! (Names spaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of this!)